Friday, May 5, 2017


Friends don't let friends fail to plan!
{fail to plan,
plan to fail}

My a planner and record keeper--
but I wanted her to try my favorite homeschooling planner so I bought her one for a gift.  {the best way to recommend something is to give it as a gift!}

School year 2016-2017 is closed here! And this year before I shopped for next years curriculum I bought my planner!  The same one that kept me in line this year!

A Plan In Place planner.  

This planner is truly the best! {And over my schooling years I have tried quite a few!} Probably the success is because it was designed by two homeschooling moms! {Thanks Suzanne and Kim!}

I loved the weekly layout!
I was able to track all 3 of my guys work and piano practice! The menu plan at the bottom of the page was a constant reminder if I needed to start prep during the day.

On the website there are several options for customizing your planner....but I will share a special favor that they did for me :-) Since I am keeping the planner for a record of our schooling I asked for an attendance record added. {This is already in the student planner.}

The mom planner has so many neat record keeping pages...but here are two of my favorite!

Just a simple review just for fun for my homeschooling moms.
Check out all of the options here!

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