Sunday, February 5, 2017

First Try Bread

I started making bread when Eli was a year old. And it is great bread.  I have continued to make it even after I went gluten free.  So for almost 4years I have made bread--only for family, friends, neighbors.  One day my next door neighbor told me just because I went gluten free that he didn't.  Yes occasionally I send one of the boys over with a fresh loaf.

Today I am home bound caring for 4 males with the flu. --->ever heard of "Man Flu"--just sayin'!!

So I decided to try to make up my own gluten free bread recipe!
And it turned out good--I will definitely be having fresh bread again!!

5cups of Bloomfield Farms Gluten Free All Purpose baking mix

2tsp salt

1pkg dry active yeast

1 egg

4Tbsp honey

4Tbsp oil

2 cups hot water (not boiling)

Combine all dry ingredients,honey and oil. Then stir in water. 

Heat oven to 200°. Turn off oven set dough in oven to rise for 20 mins.

Knead dough lightly. Divide into two lightly greased bread pans. Place in the still warm oven for 2 1/2 hours.

Bake at 375° for 25mins. Let bread cool in pans for 3 mins then flip bread out and allow it to cool upside down (this will keep the bottom from being soggy.)

The bread is flakey yet spongy.  I am already thinking of new additions to try- like bananas! Pumpkin! 

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