Tuesday, February 9, 2016

#lettermo UPDATE

To review the project:
**February is letter writing month
**Rules of #lettermo there are no rules
-write letters,post cards,ext.
-send mail everyday the mail runs

I have missed some days. But others mailed 2!  I have six pieces ready to leave tomorrow.

Benefits--the feeling you get from knowing that someone is going to be thrilled to hear from you. Letters are cozy and are so much more fun to hold that an email or voice mail.

During #lettermo a response has not been my goal--altgough I have received one letter and a card.

Oh the card!!

This afternoon I found that someone had anonymously placed a sweet card and a gift card to me in my mailbox!  I have no clue who and really that is making it even more fun! Topp't is my new favorite place to eat...and I am thinking my own mom doesn't even know that!

If I ever learn who that will get a big hug from me!

Send some mail!
Spread joy--and hope!

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